Category: Glossary

  • Incentivized Click

    A type of click through in which the person clicking on the advertisement does so in order to receive some reward. Often results in low visitor quality.

  • Impressions

    The number of times a banner ad was requested and presumably seen by users. It is often hard to obtain an accurate impression count as they can be undercounted due to issues relating to cache or over counted due to requests that were not completed.

  • Hyperlink

    HTML code that when clicked on redirects ones browser to another web page. Most banners are hyperlinked to the advertiser’s web page.

  • HTML

    Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a computer programming language that helps control the format of a documents content and design on the World Wide Web. An HTML editor is a software program that enables one to easily create HTML pages.

  • House Ads

    A type of banner advertisement that a web site publisher runs in an ad space when no paying advertisement is available to fill the space, typically filled with an advertisement promoting one of the web sites services, products or features.

  • Hit

    A term used by webmasters that refers to a request made to a web server for a page, graphic, audio or sound file. A web page that has 5 graphics will create 6 total hits in a servers log file, one for each graphic and one for the page itself. While useful for estimating the…

  • GIF

    The graphical interchange format (GIF) is a graphical file extension. Most banner advertisements are created in the GIF format which is more popular than the JPEG format due to the comparable size but relative crispness. GIF89a or animated GIFs are a sequence of standard GIF images combined to create animated banners. These animated banners tend…

  • Geotargeting

    Showing ads or content based on the physical location a user is accessing the Internet from.

  • Frequency

    A term used to describe the number of times the same advertisement is shown to the same visitor during a particular session or time frame. This can be accomplished through the use of cookies or by assuming one visitor = one unique IP address.

  • Flight

    The period of time in which one or more commercials air, usually associated with broadcast media although occasionally used to describe the duration of any type of advertising.