Category: R

  • Referring Page

    This is the web page that a visitor previously requested before arriving to the current page as a result of clicking a hyperlink on the previous web page.

  • Real Time

    A term used to describe immediate results. For example, an advertiser may need real time statistics on how their campaign is performing rather than statistics that are updated hourly or daily or weekly.

  • Reach

    The number of unique visitors that visited a site over the course of the reporting period, expressed as a percent of the universe for the demographic category, also called unduplicated audience.

  • Rate Card

    The published rates and ad space availability for a particular media such as a web site are referred to as the rate card, usually subject to change and often negotiable. These often include technical details regarding the banner specifications.

  • Rank

    A web site or advertisement’s standing in comparison to other web sites or advertisements. Rank provides advertisers with information on performance comparisons.